Election 2020 – a nail-biter

For the nation, 2020 has been one of the most difficult years in memory. We are grappling with Covid and its fallout, economic upheaval, racial tensions, wildfires, hurricanes, a presidential election, and a polarized electorate. Despite this year’s difficulties, a strong economic recovery, record low interest rates, and an aggressive stance by the Federal Reserve […]

October Client Letter: 6 Steps That Put You on the Path to a Successful Retirement

Achieving your financial goals doesn’t just happen by itself. It takes a plan, implementing the plan, adhering to the plan, and when necessary, adjusting the plan. Simply put, failing to plan is planning to fail. Don’t plan to fail! According to the Department of Labor, ● Only 40% of Americans have calculated how much they […]

Early 401k/IRA Withdrawals…To do, or not to do, that is the question.

problems with finance

You’ve been “adulting” for a while now, but you are still young as it applies to your retirement. You’ve been working since you were 16, actively contributing to your retirement any time your company offered a plan, and so you have built up a good chunk of change in your 401K or IRA rollover over […]

What Is RMD?

A common question we have received from our clients, pertains to “RMDs”. Well, what are “RMDs”? “RMD” stands for Required Minimum Distribution, which is an annual minimum amount that must be withdrawn from certain types of retirement accounts after you reach 72 years of age. Acknowledging that Americans are living and working longer, the SECURE […]